Our trip will start by picking you up from your hotel and bring you to the fun center where after a brief safety talk you’ll hit the desert surrounding Sharm el Sheikh on your Rhino safari buggy with your group and friends.

What’s a Rhino?

The bad boys are ready to tackle the desert! A cross between a quad bike and a 4×4 vehicle, these great little buggies are safe and very fun. Slightly different from our sand dune buggies, these offer a proper bench seat for 2 passengers sat side-by-side.

The safari although 2 hours covers a lot more desert than the quads, as it is more comfortable, robust and a quicker vehicle than a quad bike.

Our Dune Buggies boast fully automatic transmissions, so they can be driven straight away by just about anyone. Whether you’re planning a gently and leisurely driuve around the desert to admire it’s beauty or you’re driving style is, lets say, a little more excitable, this is a fantastic way to explore the desert and it’s many sand dunes as you ascend the mountains.

We will take to the heart of Sinai where the dessert with all its beauty and amazing nature . There you’ll have the chance of getting to know the life of Bedouins and their traditions and to spend some time with them and drink some Bedouin�s Tea and enjoy watching the unforgettable view of the dessert, sunrise or sunset from the top of the mountains.

Finally we will take you back to the centre for a quick rest before heading back to your hotel. This is highly recommended for couples and children due to the safety of a roll cage and the seating arrangement of driver being next to passenger.

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